Friday 11 October 2013

Renovation Project - Fresh food in Brittany

Renovation Project - Fresh food in Brittany

We have been back for a day and I have finally managed to get some sleep, we are taking the next couple of days easy, me to get some rest and poor John to get over the shock.

We go shopping to get some food and the exciting bit is that we actually have some cupboards to put the food into, not cupboards that have to be lined with plastic to stop the dirt, not big boxes that have to be stored in the bedroom and not in the BBQ, but actually in real cupboards in the kitchen, WOW we are really starting to get somewhere.

When we are shopping we notice the difference in food again, and I can’t resist photographing some of the meat and sending my daughter a photograph to see if she knows what it is?

We have never been brave enough to eat tongue yet, but it does seem to be very popular!

I give our friends on the small farm a call and they inform us that the rabbit has had babies and would we like to call up for a visit.

We go up and I see all of the baby rabbits, they are so cute, I really struggle to get my head around the fact that these are like the baby chicks, they are not pets but being grown for food.

I am brave enough to say that I would like to try rabbit for dinner one day, but they cannot let me know until I have eaten it, and I certainly can’t know which of the grown babies I have eaten, I feel like a monster, but it is no different to seeing the cows or lambs in a field and then having that meat for dinner (well it is really and I am seriously considering becoming vegetarian!!!!!)

Whilst we are there Theresa asks if I would like to come and get some milk with her, I am assuming we are going to a farm shop to buy some bottles, what a surprise, when we get there we just go into a big barn and Theresa grabs the jug and just fills it from the large tank. There is a farm dog that comes in with us to see what we are doing and to get a crafty like of whatever is in the bucket!

This is the freshest milk you can ever buy, the cows are in the milking shed next to the tank and the milk goes straight from the cow to the tank, it is not pasteurised or sterilised it is straight from the cow!

There is a small pot on top of a shelf and this is where you leave your money, so much is done on trust, if this was one of the places where we had lived in the UK, the pot would’ve been stolen, the dog would’ve been stolen and I imagine the cows wouldn’t have lasted much longer!!!!

The trip has done me so much good, I am relaxed again in a country that turns off at night time and trust is still a valid currency!


  1. Glad to see you are back and in one piece now take it easy girl, as for the tongue I used to love it as a child but of course I didn't really know what it was then, it is very much like real ham that you cook yourself and slice on the bone, give it a try, your french friend will tell you how to cook it and they are very cheap at the moment.

    1. Hi Roz, still not really brave enough to try it, but sounds a bit more tempting now
